About me

Thomas Funke
Engineer Analytical Chemistry (FH)
Postdamm 178
48477 Hörstel-Riesenbeck, Germany
1984 - 1988 Study at the University of Applied Science Steinfurt; Department of Chemical Engineering; Focus: Instrumental Analysis
1988 - 1990 Work at the quality control laboratory of the Pharma Labor GmbH; Herdecke
1990 - Dez. 2017 Work in the chemical and veterinary institute Münsterland Emsche Lippe (CVUA-MEL) in Münster in the field of consumer products; esp. food contact materials (FCM) and cosmetic products; field of activity in research and development, method development and application creation, technical management of the department
Some analytical parameters I would like mention here as representative:
- Mineral oil analysis (MOSH, MOAH) in different matrices
- Analytics in the field of NIAS (Non Intentionally Added Substances):
- Polystyrene oligomers in food and food simulants;
- Chloropropanols (3-MCPD + 1,3-DCP) in water extracts from food contact materials;
- Photoinitiators, plasticizers and other contaminants from packaging materials;
- Endocrine substances in migrates amongst other things Bisphenol A, Nonylphenol, Phthalates, Benzophenone, Pentachlorophenol;
- BADGE, BADGE adducts and cyclo-di-BADGE in food
- Nitrosamine analysis by chemiluminescence detection
- Primary Aromatic Amines, Sum Method and Specific Analytics
Sample preparation techniques:
ASE (PLE) : Accelerated Solvent extraction or Pressurized Liquid Extraction ,
SPE: Solid phase extraction,
LLE: Liquid liquid extraction,
NPLC: Normal phase liquid chromatography,
DLLME: Dispersive liquid liquid micro extraction,
and microwave techniquecombined with the appropriate sample handling capabilities for chromatography such as:
SPME: Solid phase micro extraction,
HS: Headspace injection,
TD: Thermal desorption,
LVI: Large-volume injection,
OC: On-column injection,
LC / GC online couplingand sensitive and/or selective detection techniques:
ECD; FID; CLND; DAD; FLD; MS (e.g. quadrupole, ion trap, TOF, QqQ)
Expertise & Publications
Participation in committees on the subject of mineral oil analysis:
Member of the Task Force 'Mineral Oil', European Commission; Joint Research Center (JRC), SANTE FCM food mineral oil; Ispra, Italy
Membership in § 64 LFGB UAG " Standardisierung einer LC-GC/FID Methode zur Bestimmung von MOSH/MOAH in kosmetischen Mitteln" at the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety; Berlin
Workshop and participation in the ring trial for CEN / TC275 / WG13 - MOSH & MOAH determination with online method; Cantonal Laboratory Zurich, January 2015, published as DIN EN 16995: 2017-08 standard
Specific further education in particular on the subjects:
- Measurement assessment and validation and elements of quality assurance
- Robust methods
- Chemometric methods in analytical chemistry
- Macro programming (VBA, ChemStation)
- Statistical Experimental Methods, Designs of Experiments (DoE)
- Project management
- Brauer, B. und Funke T. : „Bestimmung von primären aromatischen Aminen in Migrationslösungen“; Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 87 (8), 280 (1991)
- Brauer, B. und Funke T. : „Bestimmung phenolischer Substanzen in wäßriger Migrationslösung“; Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 88 (9), 243 (1992)
- Brauer, B. , Funke T. und Schulenberg-Shell H. : „Nachweis und Bestimmung von Stabilisatoren in Hart-PVC“; Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 91 (12), 381 (1995)
- Brauer, B. und Funke T. : „Nachweis und Bestimmung von optischen Aufhellern in kosmetischen Mitteln“; Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 93 (1), 7 (1997)
- Brauer, B. und Funke T. : „Bestimmung von primären aromatischen Aminen in Kaltwasserextrakten von Bedarfsgegenständen aus Papier, Karton und Pappe“; Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 97 (5), 169 (2001)
- Brauer, B. und Funke T. : „Spezifische Bestimmung von primären aromatischen Aminen in wäßrigen Migraten von Bedarfsgegenständen aus Kunststoff “; Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 98 (11), 405 (2002)
- Brauer, B. und Funke T. : „Bestimmung von Kontaminanten in Papier aus recycelten Fasern und in Lebensmitteln“; Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 104 (6), 330 (2008)
- Brauer, B. und Funke T. : „Bestimmung potentiell endokriner Substanzen in Mineralwässern und Kunststoff- mittels SBSE-GC-MS “; Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 108 (1), (2012)
Comparison of the manual and automated generation of calibration standards, CTC PAL System IngeniousNews, Issue 2 May 2017, Thomas Funke Chemical and Veterinary Analytical Institute Münsterland-Emscher-Lippe (CVUA-MEL), Münster, Germany
- Brauer, B. und Funke T., Schulz, S. : „Bestimmung von 3-MCPD und 1,3-DCP in Wasserextrakten von Lebensmittelbedarfsgegenständen aus Papier “; Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 113 (10), (2017)